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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

About one third of women may experience

heavy menses. If you have to use pads or

tampons every hour, using two pads, a

tampon with a pad, this is considered heavy.

Also passing clots, soiling of the linen at night

or a period lasting longer than a week is […]


By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG

If the contractions get progressively stronger,

more regular and longer, labor has started.

To make sure it is not false labor, take a warm

shower. If the contractions slow down, it was

false labor.

If they continue as intensely or

stronger this is the time to go to the hospital.



By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG

During pregnancy your baby is inside

the amniotic sac which is a bag of fluid.

The placenta transfers oxygen and

nutrients to the baby.

The umbilical cord connects the baby

to the placenta.

The uterus stretches as the baby grows.

During your pregnancy vitamin, mineral,

protein,vegetable, fruit and water intake

is very […]


By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Cervical cell changes are detected

by the Pap test. These can then be

diagnosed and treated early in order

to prevent cervical cancer.

The cervix is the mouth of the uterus.

Abnormal Pap results are often linked

to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

If the cells are normal, the Pap test […]


By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

Fertility treatments are directed to

the specific problem.

If a blockage is preventing an egg

or sperm from moving through

the tube this can be overcome

by either tuboplasty (please see


or IVF.

In cases of Polycystic ovaries

there are immature eggs but

no ovulation. This can be



By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

Fertility evaluation consists of

checking for ovulation, semen

analysis and determination of

tubal patency.

Additional tests are done if

indicated based on the above.

Some of these are blood hormone

tests, ultrasound, chromosome

studies, cultures, laparoscopy,

hysteroscopy, postcoital test.

OVULATION is detected by an

ovulation predictor kit,

elevation of […]


By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


A thorough evaluation

of all factors contributing

to infertility are needed.

The following are essential:

1) Age is a significant factor

because after 35 the quality

and quantity of eggs decline

2) Sperm count and function

should be determined by a

semen analysis.

3) Ovulation problems are

important and should […]

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

HPV causes cervical cancer,

cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

and genital warts.

There are over 100 different types

of HPV. About 40 of these infect the

genital tract.

Types 16 and 18 cause 65% of cervical


It is known that 20 million

individuals in the US are currently

infected and […]


By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG


The Modified Mediterranean Diet provides

many health benefits. It is based on plant


EXCLUDED: meats, sweets, flour,fat, corn

syrup and butter.

INCLUDED:Fresh vegetables, olive oil,

legumes, nuts,(walnuts, pecans,

almond and hazelnut),

seeds, fresh fruits,herbs and spices.

Fresh fish, onion,garlic, tomato are

also included.

For frequency, portion size and



By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

Healthy diet, regular exercise and

avoidence of smoking,alcohol and

drugs and having a positive outlook

form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Here we will review some of the

most recent data on diet in the

prevention of heart disease in women

This approach helps reduce the

incidence of […]