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Healthy Foods

By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG

The following foods are listed in

alphabetical order and have beneficial

effects on your health:

APPLES contain antioxidants that

help prevent free radical damage.

They help protect your lungs by

providing quercetin.

Also by eating two apples daily the

acetylcholine in the brain is boosted.

This neurotransmitter […]


By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG


The Modified Mediterranean Diet provides

many health benefits. It is based on plant


EXCLUDED: meats, sweets, flour,fat, corn

syrup and butter.

INCLUDED:Fresh vegetables, olive oil,

legumes, nuts,(walnuts, pecans,

almond and hazelnut),

seeds, fresh fruits,herbs and spices.

Fresh fish, onion,garlic, tomato are

also included.

For frequency, portion size and
