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More On Smoking

By Joseph Hazan, M.D.,FACOG


It is known that Nicotine causes

blood vessels to constrict.

In addition, there are more

than 4000 toxic substances

in cigarettes that are harmful

to the entire human body.

Here are 4001 more reasons

to quit smoking now!


By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


This is a common and serious problem.

It is estimated that 40% of women with

high blood pressure are unaware of this

or do not get treated. It can cause the

life span of women to be shortened by

upto 20 years.

Women who develop

high blood pressure at menopause

might think that this is a regular part

of aging.

This is not true.

There are factors that influence blood


The most important are:

1) Obesity

2) Smoking

3) Family history

4) Pregnancy

5) NSAID’s (nonsteroidal

antiinflammatory drugs)

6) Stress

7) DD (diastolic dysfunction).

Repeated blood pressure readings

and treating the cause of high

blood pressure

is very important for your health.


By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

Some of the treatments will restore

periods to normal, while others will

stop the periods.

1) If the abnormal bleeding is caused

by lack of ovulation either starting

ovulation or regulating the cycles

can control the bleeding.

This is usually done with birth control

pills or  cyclic progesterone.

2) In cases of PCOS (Polycystic

Ovary Syndrome) diet,exercise,weight

control, birth control pills if fertility

is not immediately wanted, or clomiphene

if fertility is wanted soon.

In cases of insulin resistance medications

and proper diet are beneficial.

3) Heavy periods can be temporarily

arrested by using a Progesterone IUD.

4) Fibroids can be removed.

This procedure is called myomectomy.

5) Endometriosis treatment options

are DMPA (Depomedroxyprogesterone

acetate) GnRH agonists, surgery, danazole,

Progesterone IUD. The appropriate choice

varies based on the individual situation.

6) Polyps are removed with hysteroscopy.

7) Bleeding due to clotting factor defects

are treated with various modalities.

In cases of von Willebrand disease the use

of NSAID’s (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory

drugs) such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin,

Naproxen and some others should be avoided.


By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


About one third of women may experience

heavy menses. If you have to use pads or

tampons every hour, using two pads, a

tampon with a pad, this is considered heavy.

Also passing clots, soiling of the linen at night

or a period lasting longer than a week is excessive.

Sometimes there is dizziness, fatigue or cramps.

In cases of easy bruising, bleeding of gums or family

history of bleeding problems a bleeding disorder can

be present.

Blood tests, physical exam, ultrasound are

usually done.

In some cases a hysteroscopy is needed.

This is  the inspection of the uterus with a

fiberoptic instrument.

Endometrial polyps, fibroids, endometritis

or adenomyosis could be detected.

Iron supplements are important.

Once the cause of the heavy periods is


the treatment can be individualized.

Monitoring of the results is helpful.


By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


If the contractions get progressively stronger,

more regular and longer, labor has started.

To make sure it is not false labor, take a warm

shower. If the contractions slow down, it was

false labor.

If they continue as intensely or

stronger this is the time to go to the hospital.

If there is pink or bloody show this is important.

If the water breaks it will have the odor of bleach.

If the baby is not active as before this is dangerous.

During labor the cervix dilates and the baby descends.

If there is a problem with the progress of labor, this

can be detected.

Following the delivery of the baby,

the placenta will be delivered.

After delivery, breastfeeding is beneficial to the

baby and it also helps to contract the uterus.

If you feel depressed following delivery, getting

help is very important.

Postpartum blues or

depression are commonly seen.

In case of

heavy bleeding following delivery or increased

pain, redness in breasts or inflammation of nipples,

call your obstetrician.

Also please contact your obstetrician if you have

a fever over 100 degrees,

vaginal discharge that smells bad,

pelvic pain, burning on urination or

painful urination.





By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG

During pregnancy your baby is inside

the amniotic sac which is a bag of fluid.

The placenta transfers oxygen and

nutrients to the baby.

The umbilical cord connects the baby

to the placenta.

The uterus stretches as the baby grows.

During your pregnancy vitamin, mineral,

protein,vegetable, fruit and water intake

is very important. It is also very important

to avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol completely.

Pills and other medications should be avoided

unless prescribed specifically during pregnancy.

Changes during the first three months are some

breast tenderness, frequent urination and morning


During the first three months if there is any bleeding

or spotting, fever over 100 degrees, pain, cramping,

burning on urination, dizziness or severe vomiting

you should notify your obstetrician.

During the first trimester your baby’s development

including heart, brain, eyes, ears, mouth, arms,

legs and sexual organ development occur.

During the second trimester the baby can suck

her thumb, kick, move, sleep and stretch upon

waking up.

During the second trimester you may gain a

pound a week. If it is less or more it needs to

be closely monitored.

If you have abdominal pain, aching, cramps,

fluid leakage from the vagina or bleeding or

urinary symptoms you should notify your


During the last trimester the baby starts getting

into position to be born.

If you have swelling, headache,blurred vision,

spots before your eyes, abdominal pain, back pain,

bleeding or fluid from the vagina please notify your










By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Cervical cell changes are detected

 by the Pap test. These can then be

diagnosed and treated early in order

to prevent cervical cancer.

The cervix is the mouth of the uterus.

Abnormal Pap results are often linked

to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

If the cells are normal, the Pap test results

are negative.

A positive result can show low grade, moderate

or high grade changes. High grade are the closest

to cervical cancer.

Abnormal results require diagnosis through

colposcopy (viewing the cervix through a

magnifying instrument) and biopsy.

The resulting specimens are sent to the lab

for diagnosis. Based on the diagnosis the

cervix is then treated.

The purpose of these is to detect abnormalities

early in order to prevent cervical cancer.

Depending on the grade of the lesion

either cryosurgery (freezing) or conization

is utilized for treatment.


By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


Fertility treatments are directed to

the specific problem.

If a blockage is preventing an egg

or sperm from moving through

the tube this can be overcome

by either tuboplasty (please see


or IVF.

In cases of Polycystic ovaries

there are immature eggs but

no ovulation. This can be

treated medically.

Polyps, fibroids or a septum can be

present in the uterine cavity and

could prevent implantation.

These can be surgically removed.

Adhesions, endometriosis or

endometrioma would also

need to be treated.

Cervical, uterine or tubal infections

also need to be treated.


by medical treatment.

Hormonal problems can be related to

the thyroid, prolactin or male hormones.

Some of the approaches are listed:

Clomiphene citrate

Human menopausal gonadotropin

Follicle stimulating hormone

Human chorionic gonadotropin

ART ( Assisted Reproduction Technologies)

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

Treatment plan needs to be individualized

based on the specific conditions present.


By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


Fertility evaluation consists of

checking for ovulation, semen

analysis and determination of

tubal patency.

Additional tests are done if

indicated based on the above.

Some of these are blood hormone

tests, ultrasound, chromosome

studies, cultures, laparoscopy,

hysteroscopy, postcoital test.

OVULATION is  detected by an

ovulation predictor kit,

elevation of basal body temperature

and cervical mucus changes to

clear and stretchy.

HEALTH ISSUES such as smoking,

drug, alcohol, overweight or underweight,

chemical exposure, certain medications,

sexually transmitted infections are


SEMEN ANALYSIS checks  the sperm count

per cubic centimeter of semen, volume of

semen, sperm motility and sperm morphology


BLOOD TESTS are done to check levels

of FSH, LH, progesterone, thyroid,

blood sugar, estrogen,

prolactin, testosterone and

STI ( sexually

transmitted infection).

TUBAL PATENCY is tested by doing an HSG

(hysterosalpingogram) to visualize the

fallopian tubes and the uterus by x-ray.

ULTRASOUND uses sound waves to

view the uterus, ovaries and follicles

which contain eggs.

LAPAROSCOPY could be needed to

directly view the pelvic organs.

HYSTEROSCOPY is used to visualize

the inside of the cervix and uterus.

Tomorrow we will look into some of the



By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


A thorough evaluation

of all factors contributing

to infertility are needed.

The following are essential:

1) Age is a significant factor

because after 35 the quality

and quantity of eggs decline

2) Sperm count and function

should be determined by a

semen analysis.

3) Ovulation problems are

important and should be

given prime consideration.

4) Fertilization can be difficult

or impossible due to tubal factors

or the inability of the sperm to

swim up through the cervical mucus.

5) Implantation issues can be

related to the endometrial lining or

the shape of the uterus.

Tomorrow we will look into these

factors and the tests related to them.