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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

Some of the treatments will restore

periods to normal, while others will

stop the periods.

1) If the abnormal bleeding is caused

by lack of ovulation either starting

ovulation or regulating the cycles

can control the bleeding.

This is usually done with birth control

pills or  cyclic progesterone.

2) In cases of PCOS (Polycystic

Ovary Syndrome) diet,exercise,weight

control, birth control pills if fertility

is not immediately wanted, or clomiphene

if fertility is wanted soon.

In cases of insulin resistance medications

and proper diet are beneficial.

3) Heavy periods can be temporarily

arrested by using a Progesterone IUD.

4) Fibroids can be removed.

This procedure is called myomectomy.

5) Endometriosis treatment options

are DMPA (Depomedroxyprogesterone

acetate) GnRH agonists, surgery, danazole,

Progesterone IUD. The appropriate choice

varies based on the individual situation.

6) Polyps are removed with hysteroscopy.

7) Bleeding due to clotting factor defects

are treated with various modalities.

In cases of von Willebrand disease the use

of NSAID’s (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory

drugs) such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin,

Naproxen and some others should be avoided.

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