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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Sleep problems can be related to

falling asleep,

continuation of sleep

or inadequate rest.

It can be related to the quality

of sleep due to sleep

apnea with frequently waking up

or restless leg syndrome.

This can lead

to chronic sleep deprivation

and depression.

It is also found that SDB (sleep

disordered breathing) is much more

common after menopause along with

night sweats and hot flashes.

Besides RLS restless leg syndrome

which can interfere with the

quantity and quality of sleep,

the problems of SRLC (sleep related

leg cramps) which are mostly encountered 

during pregnancy,


(periodic limb movement disorder)

and PLMS periodic limb movements

of sleep which are more common

after menopause.

SDB Sleep disordered breathing is

mostly associated with obesity and

metabolic syndrome,

high blood pressure and

heart disease and stroke.

FM (Fibromyalgia) causes pain

along with RLS restless leg syndrome and

is related to sleeplessness.

About three fourths of fibromyalgia patients

are women.

RLS can be related to anemia in

some cases.


One of the interventions is going  

to bed to sleep at a regular time and

avoiding distractions such as TV

at bedtime, also avoidance of sleeping

on your back, avoidance of alcohol,

caffeine, nicotine and sedatives at

bedtime. Weight loss and exercise

are also helpful.

Snoring, SDB, Sleep apnea and

other issues require testing and



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