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By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG


Urinary Tract Infection is the growth

of pathogen bacteria in the

urinary tract and this can be in

the bladder (cystitis) or in the

kidneys (pyelonephritis).

Half of all females develop a

urinary tract infection at some point.

Most common bacteria found is E. coli.

The incidence of this in

urinary tract infection cases is 85%.

Most common symptoms are frequency,

burning or pain during

or after urination and urgency.

Sometimes bloody urine can be seen.

Some of the same symptoms can be

present in cases of interstitial cystitis

or overactive bladder.

Treatment of the Urinary

Tract Infection should be individualized.


Hooten TM. Recurrent urinary

tract infection in women.

Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2001;17:259-268

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