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Omega-6’s vs Omega-3’s

By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


 Linoleic acid (LA) which is an omega-6

 fatty acid  and Alpha-Linolenic acid

LnA) which is an omega-3 fatty acid are

both needed in the diet since neither

can be produced by the body.

That is why they are called essential fatty


On the other hand EPA , DHA and AA

can be produced by the body and

they are nonessential fatty acids.

DHA and EPA wich was covered earlier

this week are long chain

polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs)

The input of omega-6 fatty acids are important

in inflammation, clotting,

cell communication and delivery.

Omega-3 ‘s are useful in counter- balancing

the effects of omega-6’s.

The effect of DHA and EPA is to prevent

prematurity and increase fetal birth


That is why many women who have

premature delivery have a deficiency

of omega-3’s and increased levels of the

omega-6’s, namely the omega-6

AA (arachidonic acid) and DPA

(docosapentaenoic acid).

Also women with PIH (pregnancy

induced hypertension) have low levels

of omega-3’s.

Preeclampsia risk is also higher if the levels

of omega-3’s are low.

These levels must be increased prior to pregnancy

 to provide benefits.

A 15% increase of the ratio of omega-3’s 

versus omega-6’s was found to cut

the risk of preeclampsia by 46%.

The supplementation needs to begin prior

to conception in order to be effective against

preeclampsia, PIH (pregnancy

induced hypertension) and IUGR

(intrauterine growth restriction).

When infants have adequate DHA

intake prior to birth, they then have lower

risk of type 1 diabetes, better endocrine,

immunity and heart function later

in life.

Also maternal dietary DHA while

breastfeeding confers improved retinal

and brain development to the infants.

Best sources of DHA are deep ocean

fish that feed on specific algae called

Schizotryum that are found in the deep


These algea are also grown

in large containers and used to enrich foods.

Salmon and sardines are good

sources. Fish oil, flaxseed oil and walnut oil

are rich in omega-3’s.

Daily recommended values (DRVs) are 

at least 300 mg of DHA and EPA

daily during pregnancy, 20mg per kg for t

erm infants and 40 mg per kg

for preterm infants.


1) Williams MA, Zingheim RW, King IB,

Zebelman AM. Omega-3 fatty acids in

maternal erythrocytes and risk of

preeclampsia. Epidemiol. 1995;232-237.

2) Carlson Sr, Workman SH, and Tolley EA.

Effect of long-chain n-3 fatty

acid supplementation on visual acuity and

growth of preterm infants with

and withourt bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Amer J Clin Nutr. 1996;63:687-


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