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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


According to recent research, nutrition

during pregnancy should include

the Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.

These are important to help the

development of the fetus, prevent

prematurity and improve brain


Most diets are deficient in these nutrients.

Fish oil is a good source

and the supplementation of DHA

(docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA

eicosapentaenoic acid) will supply these

Omega-3 fatty acids.

The problem with most diets is the high 

content of Omega-6 which

is found in fried and fast foods, milk and meats).

The Omega-6 fatty

acids, namely Linoleic acid (LA) is converted

into Arachidonic Acid (AA)

which in turn cause constriction of vessels,

activation of platelets and clot

formation and inflammation.

This is not beneficial to circulation. 

On the other hand the Omega-3’s help do

the opposite and are beneficial.

It is known that if the mother is deficient in Omega-3’s,

 the baby tends to be premature.

The vital role of Omega-3’s is attested by the

fact that Omega-3’s help

attain full birth weight, reduce prematurity,

enhance maternal milk

quality, improve the development of

fetal brain and eyes.

Additionally Omega-3 ‘s help relax the

uterine smooth muscle cells and vessels during

pregnancy. For the mother and adults the

Omega-3’s help prevent heart


To provide adequate intake it is recommended

that adults have at least

2 servings of fish every week.

DHA and EPA intake should be 300 mg

of each daily.


1) Hornstra G. Essential  fatty acids in

mothers and their neonates. Am J

Clin Nutr. 2000;71:1262S-12629S.

2)Mc Gregor JA, Allen, KGD, Harris, MA,et al.

The omega-3 story:

Nutritional prevention of preterm birth

and other adverse pregnancy

outcomes. Obstet Gyn Survey, 2001;


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