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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


About one third of women may experience

heavy menses. If you have to use pads or

tampons every hour, using two pads, a

tampon with a pad, this is considered heavy.

Also passing clots, soiling of the linen at night

or a period lasting longer than a week is excessive.

Sometimes there is dizziness, fatigue or cramps.

In cases of easy bruising, bleeding of gums or family

history of bleeding problems a bleeding disorder can

be present.

Blood tests, physical exam, ultrasound are

usually done.

In some cases a hysteroscopy is needed.

This is  the inspection of the uterus with a

fiberoptic instrument.

Endometrial polyps, fibroids, endometritis

or adenomyosis could be detected.

Iron supplements are important.

Once the cause of the heavy periods is


the treatment can be individualized.

Monitoring of the results is helpful.

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