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Premature Ovarian Failure

 By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


This is the failure of ovarian function

prior to 40 years of age.

The pituitary hormone which stimulates

the ovary to produce

follicles (FSH) is high, but the ovary does

not respond and consequently

the serum estradiol levels are low.

Periods are typically scant and rare.

Some of the women with this condition

may have occasional ovulation

and sometimes can conceive.

The incidence is 1 in 1000 at age 30

and 1% at 40 years of age.

Because bone turnover is effected by

estrogen status there is a higher

incidence of osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Hot flashes, night sweats

are seen and there is often painful

intercourse due to vaginal dryness

secondary to relative estrogen deficiency.

Some patients also have low thyroid and

adrenal function.

There could be an associated eating disorder.

Some of the patients

are prone to excessively exercise.

In most situations emotional support is

needed to help cope and

deal with the infertility related issues.

Hormonal supplementation

can help compensate some of the

deficiency symptoms,

but fertility is not feasible.

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