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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Cervicitis causes discharge, irritation,

discomfort or painful intercourse,

cramping, spotting or bleeding with

 intercourse. Many times there is no

symptom and it is only discovered

during the annual exam.

Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix.

This causes the cervix irritated

and red, at times somewhat swollen.

It is not always an infection or a

sexually transmitted problem.

More than 50% of women may have this.

When examined there are tests that help

evaluate this condition and help

determine whether it is due to a sexually

transmitted infection such as

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas,

herpes, mycoplasma, HPV (human

papilloma virus) or CMV (cytomegalovirus).

It can also be caused by yeast (candida-monilia)

or irritation from gels,

foams, intercourse, condoms, douching,

tampons, diaphragms or IUD’s.

A  Pap test is helpful in determining the

cause of this problem.

It is best not to douche at all. Latex

allergy or sensitivity can be

the source of the problem.

Following menopause it could be related

to a lack of estrogen.

The treatment is based on the diagnosis

of the cause of inflammation.

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