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PUFA’s and EFA’s

By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


PUFA’s are the polyunsaturated fatty acids

and the EFA’s are essential fatty


Over the past few days we have

been going over the benefits of these,

especially of DHA and EPA, before and

during pregnancy and while nursing.

The omega-6’s are in abundant supply

 in the typical US diet due to the high

consumption of dairy products, meats,

animal and vegetable oils used in

fried foods. However, there is a relative

deficiency of omega-3’s in the

typical US diet.

Most individuals are only taking in

20-60% of the omega-3’s

they need.

This has a great and lifelong impact

on the fetus.

The consensus report prepared by the

CHF (Child Health Foundation) has

recommended that during pregnancy, 

breastfeeding and early childhood

omega-3 fatty acids need to be supplemented.

It is widely known that omega-6’s are currently

in high supply and due to the

imbalance of the typical US diet,  mother transfers

plenty of AA (arachidonic acid) to the fetus.

Excessive omega-6’s have harmful effects since they

mediate inflammation, tightening of vessels and

smooth uterus muscle

and clotting. AA (arachidonic acid)

which is an omega-6, is converted to

cyclooxygenase (Cox), prostacyclin,

prostaglandins and thromboxane A2.

It is thought that Thromboxane when

found in increased amounts and early

in pregnancy could result in preeclampsia.

While AA can be converted to

Thromboxane A2, EPA can not be converted

to Thromboxane and on the

contrary helps increase the levels of


Prostacyclin which relaxes smooth muscles

is promoted by EPA and helps

dilate vessels, reduce activation of platelets,

relaxes smooth muscles and

does not promote inflammation.

This also accounts for the beneficial effects

 of fish oil inpromoting cardiovascular

health in general.

This is very important because it has

implications beyond pregnancy

and significant public health impact.

Furthermore when omega-3 and omega-6 ‘s

are insufficient, something called

omega-9’s are produced in the body which

are very dangerous and harmful.


There is an omega 9 called Mead’s

acid which has 20 carbon atoms and can

only be oxidized by lipooxygenase,

in cases of diabetes reduces protacyclin,

causes vessel damage and clots.

This also happens in pregnancy with

diabetes. Babies that are exposed to high

glucose levels in utero can develop

injury to their small vessels and are also

at high risk for birth defects such

as spina bifida and anterior abdominal

wall  and chest defects.

EFA’s specifically DHA and EPA  help

promote heart and circulatory health.

DHA and EPA in breast milk help confer

benefits to the baby in the area of

motor skills, language, IQ, cognition and

lower disease risk.

Breastfeeding benefits the mother by helping

with  uterine contraction to reduce bleeding

after the delivery, promotes bonding with her

baby, cuts her risk of getting

ovarian cancer and reduces her chances

of having breast cancer after menopause

DHA helps reduce uterine contractility

by reducing the synthesis and

activity of MMP (matrix metalloproteinases)

which are involved in cervical

ripening and are related to PPROM

(preterm premature rupture of


DHA, EPA together with folic acid,

tetrabiopterin and vitamin C are now

found to enhance nitric oxide (NO)


This confers benefits

by reducing CAD (coronary artery disease),

PAD (peripheral artery

disease), atherosclerorosis, hyperlipidemia

and also helps protect

the brain and nervous system

against degenerative diseases.

Low levels of DHA following delivery

are also found to be associated with

postpartum depression, so this is another

reason for supplementation.


1) Das UN. Long chain PUFA’s in the

growth and development of the brain

and memory. Nutrition.2003;19:62-65.

2) Das UN. Folic acid says NO to vascular


Nutrition. 2003;19:686-


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