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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


Safe nutrition in pregnancy includes

yesterday’s precautions

and goes further by adding

more safeguards.

There are infections that are

especially dangerous during pregnancy

such as LM (listeriosis monocytogenes).

Possible sources of contamination

are unpasteurized milk products,

soft cheeses, deli meats, salads,sandwich

meats require special attention.

Heat sandwich meats to steaming for safety.

Another infection dangerous during

pregnancy is TG (toxoplasmosis gondii)

which can be contracted through

cat litter if the cat strays outdoors,

hunts and eats raw meats,

but another important source of

contagion is

unpasteurized milk products,

unwashed fruits, vegetables and

uncooked or undercooked meats

especially wild game and venison.

Also raw fish can contain parasites,

flatworm, tapeworms, roundworms,

bacteria and viruses.

This includes raw fish sushi.

The risk of E. coli and Salmonella

infections from alfalfa, radish or clover

or other sprouts is also potentially high.

These should be avoided.

Salmonella also infect egg shells and eggs.

Cooked eggs with firm yolks

and whites are safer.

Additional safeguards are listed here:

1) Recommended storage times for

foods should be followed.

2) Use by dates should be followed.

3) Raw meats should be avoided next

to other food items to avoid


4) Raw milk and raw milk based

products should be avoided.

5) Smoked seafood such as kippered,

nova-style, lox, jerky

types of seafood should be avoided.

Canned versions are

considered stable and safer.

6) Refrigerated meat and other

animal products should not be

consumed unless they are cooked

to at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

7) Fresh produce should be vigorously

be washed and peeled.

8 ) Cat litter box should be cleaned daily

prefferably by someone else.

If  you clean it you would need to wash

your hands well with warm water and

soap after doing this.

The litter bow should be disinfected

with near boiling

water for five minutes

before filling it again.

9) Remember that meats that

are brine cured, smoked or dried can have

contaminants and are dangerous.

10) Remember that sandboxes are

potentially infectious and they should

be kept covered.

If you handle sand from a sandbox it could be


Therefore you need to wash your

hands with soap and

warm water if you handled the

sand in a sandbox or if you do gardening.

11) Fluid from hotdogs can be

contaminated and should be avoided as

uncooked hotdogs are not safe,

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