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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Hyperlipidemia is having abnormally

high blood levels of

fats such as lipoproteins,

triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.

This could be due to hereditary

or intake factors.

One in five women under 44 have

this condition.

About half of women over 65

have this problem.

Women who have this condition

are prone to heart attacks and

500,000 women die every year

in the US due to to heart attacks.

Heart attacks are the leading cause

of death of women in the US.

It is known that 38% of women

die within a year after a heart attack.

Smoking, high blood pressure,

overweight,diabetes, family history are

among risk factors.

Related diseases are atherosclerosis,

coronary heart disease, metabolic

syndrome,carotid artery disease,

abdominal aortic aneurysm,peripheral

artery disease and polycystic ovary


Primary intervention has to do with

lifestyle factors of diet and activity.

Cholesterol intake in the daily diet

should be less than 200 milligrams.

Saturated fat intake should be no

more than 7% of daily calories.

Weight loss and increased physical

activity are most important.

30 grams of soluble fiber intake

daily is recommended.

Transfats should be avoided.

Flaxseed can help lower LDL and 

total cholesterol.

Oats, oat bran, red yeast,sitosterol

and sitostanol are natural forms

that can lower LDL cholesterol.

Monounsaturated fats such as olive

oil are beneficial and should be increased.

Dietary and medical consultation

should be arranged.

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