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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


Endometriosis affects females of the

reproductive age.

 The inner lining ofthe uterus is called


This inner lining is normally

built up monthly and shed during the period.

Endometriosis consists of this type

of endometrial tissue being found outside

the uterus, in various areas.

It usually manifests itself as nodules,

lesions, implants or growths.

More commonly the locations are in

the pelvic area.

However they can be

found in the abdomen or outer genital


Rarely they can be located in

distant areas such as the arm, chest,

thigh or lungs.

The problem with having endometrial

lining tissue in various locations is due

to the pain.

This pain is caused by the

breakdown and bleeding in these areas.

There is inflammation and scarring also.

Adhesion formation, obstruction and

hemorrhage are possible.

The pain is usually associated with periods,

intercourse and sometimes with bowel


Infertility can result in 35% of cases.

Diagnosis of endometriosis early in

its progression can help prevent


Treatment is by surgery and medications

to help eliminate endometriosis. The

following can be beneficial:

Combined oral contraceptives

Levonorgestrel Intrauterine system

Medroxyprogesterone acetate

injection every 3 months.

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs

GnRH agonist Lupron


Treatment will depend on the individual



1) Schenken RS. Pathogenesis. In:

Schenken RS,ed. Endometriosis:


Concepts in Clinical Management.

Philadelphia: JB Lippincott;1989.

2) Kennedy S,et al. ESHRE guideline

for the diagnosis and treatment of

endometriosis. Hum Reprod. 2005;






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