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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


Breast development in girls before age 8 is

considered as precocious puberty.

This is related to the first stage of puberty

which is gonadarche and is related

to the activation of estrogen production

in the ovaries as signals initiated from

the hypothalamic portion of the brain

are sent to the […]


Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG


Osteoporosis risk factors are well


1) Smoking

2) Low calcium and Vitamin D 3 intake

3) Menopause

4) Small body size

4) Steroids and some anticonvulsants

5) Family history

6) Lack of exercise

7) Alcohol intake

8 ) Coffee, soda, caffeine

9) Estrogen deficiency

Tomorrow we will look into […]