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Pelvic Pain Questions

By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


As previously discussed in our blog

under Pelvic Pain

some causes of pelvic pain are

non-gynecologic and

could be related to muscles,

bladder, bones, joints,

nerves, lymph nodes, bladder

or bowel.

To help elucidate the source of

pelvic pain this brief

questionnaire is helpful:

1) Do you have a problem with



By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Vitamin D is essential in bone repair and

maintenance. Vitamin D is instrumental

in calcium absorption.

In cases of vitamin D deficiency

osteoporosis is seen.

50% of adults are vitamin D deficient.

Further, many adults who have the

following factors are at higher than

average risk of vitamin D deficiency:

1) […]


Smoking Cessation is extremely important. […]