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By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG


There is vital information on this subject.

Some of the causes of chest pain need

to be differentiated from heart disease.

Anxiety and indigestion could produce

chest pain.


1) If the chest pain is mostly sharp,

 it is usually not related to the heart.

Heart disease related chest pain is

 mostly described as discomfort,

pressure, burning, squeezing or

heavy feeling.

2) Heart related pain usually is

aggravated with activity.

3) Heart disease related pain is

not relieved by drinking water,

eating food breathing fresh air.

4) Heart disease related pain is

not relieved or aggravated

 by taking deep breaths

or rubbing your chest.

5) Heart disease related pain

keeps getting worse and is


6) Heart disease related pain is

usually diffuse and not only at a

specific spot. It could radiate to

the back, arm, shoulder or abdomen.

In case of the above findings

call 911.

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