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By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG


Influenza viruses are a group of

RNA viruses. They belong to

the viral family Orthomyxoviridae.

This group is divided into

Influenza A, B and C.

Influenza C generally causes

only mild respiratory illness.

A and B strains cause seasonal

viral flu and the main strains

are included in the yearly flu


Influenza A is divided into subtypes

based on the expression patterns of

two viral antigens, H and N.

H stands for Hemagglutinin and this

is the viral antigen that causes the

virus to attach itself.

There are 16

H variants.

On the other hand the N stands for

Neuraminidase which is the viral

antigen that causes the virus to be


There are 9 of the N variants.

H1N1 refers to a subtype of Influenza A.


early April 2009 in Mexico as a

disease that mostly affected the young

and caused symptoms of pneumonia.

By the time the WHO ( World Health

Organization) raised  the pandemic

level to 5 on April 29 there were 2

fatalities in the U.S.

On May 20, 2009 the CDC (Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention), published

the 20 cases and 1 fatality and drew attention

to the severity of shortness of breath in

pregnant cases.

Also, fever, sore throat,

cough, runny nose, headaches, aches,

pains,nausea, vomiting, diarrhea were seen.

 By May 20, 2009 there were 10.000

cases of H1N1 globally.

On June 6, 2009 the WHO announced

a level 6 pandemic which is the highest

level in 41 years. By then there were

about 94.000 cases in  over 100 countries.

Pregnant women are more susceptible

to more severe symptoms, higher

complication and mortality from H1N1.

It is also more dangerous to the fetus.

TESTING is done by a rapid influenza

antigen test.

To confirm the diagnosis,

a RT-PCR ( Reverse Transcription-

Polymerase Chain Reaction) test is


TREATMENT is done with antivirals and

ISOLATION face masks are used.

PREVENTION is also with antivirals.

Vaccination has recently become


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