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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


The WHO has recommended at least 2

years of breastfeeding.

The American College of

Obstetricians and Gynecologists,

The American Academy of Family Physicians and

The American Academy of Pediatrics have

recommended exclusively breastfeeding for at least

six months and to extend this as much as

possible through the first year and thereafter.

Currently only 31.5% of infants are being

exclusively breastfed at 3 months and only

11.9% are exclusively breastfed at six months

in the US.

The public perception of formula feeding

as the norm and a misconception as to

the nutritional values of formula vs breastfeeding

contribute to these low rates.

What needs to be emphasized is

that not breastfeeding poses several

health risks to both the mother and the baby.

There are serious risks involved in

not breastfeeding and the public should

be informed.

The following is a summary of these:

1) Infection Risk

Babies who are formula fed are more

at risk to the flu, pneumonia, intestinal

viruses and bacteria, ear infections

and necrotizing enterocolitis.

Breast milk contains several immune

factors that help protect the baby.

IgA antibodies in mother’s milk help

protect the baby against respiratory and

intestinal pathogens. additionally,

oligosaccharides in breast milk help protect

the baby against H. influenzae and Strep


Glycoproteins in breast milk help protect against

E. coli, rotavirus and vibrio cholerae, while

lipids in breast milk help protect against H.

influenzae, Group B strep, G. lamblia, Strep

epidermidis, HSV 1 and RSV.


in breast milk help protect against HIV.

Babies who are not breastfed have twice the risk

of ear infection.

Breast milk provides protection

against otitis media due to the oligosaccharides

and antibodies it contains.

Lipids in breast milk help protect the baby

against RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).

Babies who are exclusively breastfed fro 4 months 

are protected, while those who are not breastfed

have 3.6 times the risk of being hospitalized

during the first year of life with a lower respiratory


Babies who are not breastfed also have 1.7

times to 2.8 times higher risk for gastroenteritis.

Preterm babies who are not fed with mother’s

milk have a 2.4 times risk of necrotizing enterocolitis

which is 15% fatal.

2) Metabolic Risk

Babies who are not breastfed are at higher

risk for type 2 diabetes and obesity.

The risk is 1.6 fold.

Metabolic risk also

relates to increased incidence of hypertension

and abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Breast milk contains adipokines that help

regulate energy intake.

3) Neurological

Babies that are not breastfed have been

observed to crawl and walk later.

Also at age 6.5 years they have verbal

IQ scores 7.5 points lower according

to one study.

4) SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

Risk of SIDS is shown to be 1.6 to 2.1 fold for

babies that are not breastfed.

This increased risk is found to be

attributable to factors associated with

breastfeeding rather than breastfeeding itself.

5) Other isssues

Babies that are not breastfed have higher

incidence of alkaline stools and colonization of

bowel with potentially

harmful bacteria such as C. dificile and B. fragilis.

They also have immune systems that are not

as prepared for defense.

Therefore they seem to have a higher chance

of  allergic problems and infectious diseases,

asthma, allergic skin rashes especially

atopic dermatitis.

The risk of type 1 diabetes , childhood leukemia

is also increased in babies who are not breastfed.


Mothers who have not breastfed or only

breastfed briefly have higher incidence of breast

and ovarian cancers,

Each year of breastfeeding seems to confer

4.3% reduction of risk for invasive breast cancer.

Mothers who don’t breastfeed have a tougher

time losing weight postpartum , have higher risk

of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

The following is a useful resource on this topic:




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