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By Joseph Hazan, M.D.,FACOG


Lack of ovulation is the most common

cause of female infertility.

By inducing ovulation, a mature follicle

can be developed and released.

Half of all female infertility cases are

related to lack of ovulation or

irregular ovulation.

Development of a primary follicle which is mature

and ready to be released can be verified by a

progesterone level above 3 ng/ml, preferrably

over 10 ng/ml.

Subsequent lack of period might indicate

the occurence of pregnancy.

Some of the problems that need to be addressed

prior to ovulation induction

are issues of overweight or underweight,

thyroid dysfunction or high level

of prolactin (produced by the pituitary).

There is increased risk of multiple pregnancy

with some agents utilized

for ovulation induction.

Please obtain a consultation to evaluate

your options by calling our offices

@314-291-2140 or 636-928-1800.

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