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Pelvic Ultrasound

By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Pelvic ultrasound based on sound waves

helps visualize pelvic structures.

During pregnancy screening and details

of fetal anatomy can be imaged.

Specialized ultrasounds in pregnancy

will be addressed tomorrow under the

OB ultrasound.

The most common reasons for obtaining

a pelvic pregnancy are to help

diagnose the causes of pelvic pain,

painful periods, heavy and irregular

periods, cysts, infertility, delayed menses, 

postmenopausal bleeding

and suspicion of abnormal pelvic findings.

The benefits of ultrasound are the ease of

performing, relatively wide

availability, the safety and the fact that it is

not an invasive procedure.

A full bladder facilitates visualization

of pelvic structures.

For infertility the ovaries and follicles in

ovaries can be visualized.

The structural anomalies can be detected

in some cases.

For ovarian cysts, ectopic, fibroids or

endometrial thickness ultrasound

is beneficial.

For diagnosing developmental problems

ultrasound can be helpful.

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