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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


Healthy diet, regular exercise and

avoidence of smoking,alcohol and

drugs and having a positive outlook

form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Here we will review some of the

most recent data on diet in the

prevention of heart disease in women

This approach helps reduce the

incidence of coronary heart disease

and stroke.

In a recent study about 75,000 women

were followed for 20 years.

The women who used the Mediterranean

Diet were found to be at lower risk for

heart disease and stroke.

Previous research also indicated the

findings that lipids,CRP ,risk, morbidity

mortality were all lower in those individuals

who used the Meditteranean Diet.

Tomorrow we will look further into this type

of diet.


Fung TT,Rexrode KM, Mantzoros CS,


Willett WC, Hu FB.

Mediterranean diet and incidence

of and mortality from coronary

heart disease and stroke

in women. Circulation 2009;


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