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Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

 By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG

It is very important to have adequate

intake of vitamins and minerals especially

 during pregnancy.

The main ingredients required as building

blocks are essential aminoacids

along with the following vitamins and

minerals which must be taken as supplements

even though foods contain these nutrients

 to some extent.

FOLIC ACID is highly important in the formation

of cells and neurological development.

Deficiency leads to neural tube defects and

low-birth weight. 800 mg daily required.

It is also found in oranges, green leafy

vegetables, pinto beans and asparagus.

It is absolutely necessary for the prevention

of neural tube defects and low-birth weight.

IRON is essential in blood formation.

Helps prevent anemia.

27 mg daily are required.

It is found in lean red meat, tofu

and chickpeas.

CALCIUM is essential in bone formation.

1000mg daily required.

Helps prevent leg cramps and preeclampsia.

It is found in milk, yogurt and cheese.

MAGNESIUM is essential for bones.

Helps prevent leg cramps and

headaches. It is found in almonds and


340 mg daily required.

ZINC is essential for the immune system,

vision and normal growth.

It is found in pumpkin seeds and meat.

15 mg daily required.

VITAMIN A is essential for skin,

eyes and immune system.

It is found in carrots and spinach.

800 micrograms ( less than 1 mg) required.

High doses can be harmful

to the baby during pregnancy.

VITAMIN B1 is essential for the nervous

system and brain.

Helps growth and energy production.

1.4 mg daily required.

It is found in peas and beans.

VITAMIN B2 is essential for energy

production and blood formation.

It is found in beans and dairy products.

1.4 mg daily required.

VITAMIN B3 is essential for growth

and development.

It is found in fruits and bran.

17 mg daily required.

VITAMIN B6 is essential for the brain.

2 mg daily is required.

It is found in bell peppers and bananas

VITAMIN B12 is essential for blood

and the nervous system.

It is found in dairy products and eggs.

2.4 mg daily required.

VITAMIN C is essential for healing and bones.

It is found in

onions, broccoli,papaya and oranges.

70 mg daily required.

VITAMIN K is essential for blood,

liver and bones.

It is found in okra, cabbage and broccoli.

65 mg daily required.

All of the listed nutrients are essential

and should be supplemented

by daily intake of Prenatal Vitamin Pills.

There are many formulations


 Please start taking them while

planning pregnancy.

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