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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


STDs are sexually transmitted diseases.

The terms STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or

VD (venereal disease) are also used.

In addition to HIV/AIDS, HPV

(human papilloma virus),

LGV (lymphogranuloma venereum),

GI  9granuloma inguinale),MC (molluscum contagiosum),

PL (pubic lice), GH (genital herpes),

Lues (syphilis), Chlamydia, Gonorrhea,

Trichomonas are STIs (STDs).

Two months ago the National Center for

HIV published a study on the spread of STIs.

It is alarming that 21% of girls who claimed

to have had sex with only one partner were found

to have STI. According to this study, 25% of girls

between the ages of 14 and 19 had one or more

of the most common forms of STIs (chlamydia,

gonorrhea, genital herpes, HPV or trichomoniasis.

Among young girls who had intercourse between

age 13 and 15 it is found that 25% have an STI

by age 15. Also when treated, the reinfection

rate within six months following treatment is 25%.

As a result of STIs there are other problems

that develop, with long-term consequences.

Pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical cancer,

increased infertility, ectopic pregnancy are

some of these.

STIs also increase vulnerability to chronic or

recurrent UTIs (urinary tract infections).

Most common risk factors for STIs are 

new or multiple sex partners and inconsistent

use of barrier contraception.

Prevention, early detection, prompt and

proper treatment are very important.

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