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Sex in Pregnancy

By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


During the first trimester, women may

have concerns and anxiety about

the well-being of the baby.

This can create some stress and result in

decreased interest for intercourse.

This situation can become more

pronounced as the pregnancy progresses.

During this time men can help the situation

 by taking more interest in the

pregnancy and be more reassuring and


This is a time to improve

the relationship and foster better

communication and commitment.

The second trimester was found to

be a time when sexual activity by most

couples steadily declines and this,

in part is due to some fear and


In most uncomplicated pregnancies

there is no contraindication to intercourse.

In low-risk pregnancies intercourse does not

cause harm and regular intercourse

is not restricted.

In cases of incompetent cervix, preterm labor,

placenta previa or other complications

intercourse would need to be avoided.

In the postpartum period there are also some

changes in hormones that cause vaginal

dryness, low- estrogen state and related physical,

psychological or emotional sitiuations.

There is a decrease in female sexual desire

which could be worsened if postpartum

depression is present.

This requires treatment.

Women may feel tired frequently during

this time. It is found that one third of all

couples have issues with sex and intimacy

during and after pregnancy which can

have long-term effect.

These issues need to be

adequately explored and addressed.

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