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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


The amount of appropriate weight gain

during pregnancy is dependent on prepregnancy


If a woman is underweight prior to pregnancy,

she may gain 28-40 lbs during pregnancy.

If she is of average weight prepregnancy,

she may gain 25-35 lbs during pregnancy.

If she is overweight, she should not gain

more than 15-25 lbs during pregnancy.

If she is obese, she should limit her

weight gain to 11-20 lbs.

It is important to remember that overweight

and obese women have higher risk of

diabetes, hypertension and cesarean birth.

Additionally, babies of overweight and obese

women are also at higher risk of larger size,

higher birth weight,  being overweight as children,

childhood diabetes and heart defect.

It is best to avoid starchy or sweet snacks,foods,

fried and fatty meals. 300 additional calories daily

should be derived from vegetable sources. 

Sugar,sodas, soft drinks should be avoided.

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