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New Endometriosis Research

By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


New endometriosis research indicates

that the endometrial tissue which

is in the endometrial cavity or other

organs finds blood supply through

angiogenesis, development of vessels,

which results in inflammatory

reaction and cytokine release and

induction of TF (tissue factor).

In order to eliminate TF a new

 compound called ICON (Immuno


In the sequence of clotting cascade

the TF (tissue factor) would initiate

clotting in the inner lining of the blood

vessels of endometriosis.

But normal blood vessels never contain

TF and since the TF in endothelial cells of

blood vessels in endometriosis does not

lead to clotting this would be a

non- clotting type of TF. ICON

(Immuno-Conjugate) is  a compound that

very strongly binds endothelial TF.

This agent contains two mutated

Factor VIIa molecules mutated to

not enhance clotting.

These are attached

to an immunoglobulin molecule and

bind TF very strongly.

Upon binding the TF in the endothelial cells

of endometriosis lesions, ICON recruits NK

(natural killer) cells which destroy the

endometriosis lesions.

In lab this research

shows promise as it has not caused

side effects. Human trials could prove

this to be a promising new approach of

this research  which is conducted at

Yale University.


1) Hu Z,Sun Y, Garen A. Targeting

tumor vasculature endothelial cells and

tumor cells for immunotherapy of

human melanoma in a mouse xenograft

model. Proc natl Acad Sci USA,1999;96:8161-6.

2) Krikun G, Osteen K, Brunner-Tran K, Hu Z,

Schatz F, Konigsberg W, Garen A, Lockwood CJ,

A factor VII/ IgG Fc immunoconjugate Molecule

(ICON) Regresses Established Disease in a Mouse

Model of Human

Endometriosis. Reproductive Sciences 2008;

15(2): 82A.

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