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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


The nutritional and metabolic environment

of the fetus as comprised by the

mother has great impact on the baby’s

later development.

If the fetus is

exposed to high blood sugar in utero,

the DNA of the fetus is geared to

anticipate a similar environment

following birth.

This can lead to health problems.

The best guideline for the amount of

calories needed during

pregnancy is to eat for 1.1 during


This is because the fetus

needs 10% of what mom needs.

The additional nutritional needs

are the supplementation of vitamins,

calcium, iron, zinc and DHA

(Please see previous post).

Eating for more than 1.1 is a common

problem and leads to problems.

Being physically fit and active is

especially important during pregnancy.

Exercise in moderation is beneficial in

most pregnancies.

This should be evaluated and decided

by your obstetrician.

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