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Prenatal Supplements

By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


The most important prenatal supplement

is Folic acid and should be taken

 before the first prenatal visit.

As soon as pregnancy is contemplated or

suspected 600 micrograms of Folic acid

daily is recommended.

Additionally, calcium and iron are the two

most important prenatal minerals.

The over-the -counter supplements with

the USP (U.S. Pharmacopeia) seals are


All multivitamin supplements that are

sold would not be appropriate

during pregnancy.

Therefore you need to show them to your physician

to see if they contain the right and safe ingredients.

If your prenatal supplement does not have

sufficient calcium, then calcium supplementation

is needed. The reason most prenatal supplements

do not contain the necessary 1,000 milligrams per

day dose, is that adding extra calcium

to the multivitamin might render it unstable.

You need to take 1,000 mg

of calcium daily and most prenatal

supplements contain only 150 or

250 mg of calcium. Also vitamin D 3

 is very important and everyone,

pregnant or not needs additional

Vitamin D3.

During pregnancy 200 IU

is required.

Pregnant women need at least 200 mg of

DHA per day.

This omega -3 fatty acid is essential for

the baby’s brain development.

Fish oil capsules are also

a good source.

Other very important vitamins and

minerals are vitamin B,

zinc and iron.

During the second half of pregnancy iron

deficiency is more common.

If you have nausea when you take your

supplements, it is best to take them

at bedtime.

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