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The Obesity Epidemic and Metabolic Syndrome

By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG



The problem of obesity has now reached

epidemic proportions in the US

and is the single greatest healthcare problem

and the most expensive in

its effects.

The Metabolic Syndrome which is a

consequence of the obesity epidemic

is alarming with increased insulin resistance,

hypertension, blood profile

that is prone to clots, low- level of vessel i

nflammatory response which

causes thrombosis, atherosclerotic

cardiovascular and cerebrovascular


This results in higher rates of type 2 diabetes,

hypertension, heart attacks,

stroke, venous thromboembolism

(impaired and blocked blood flow),

nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, cirrhosis,

liver failure, sleep apnea, gout,

depression, decline in mental and

psychologic function, cancer and early


Metabolic Syndrome is  most common

among the over 50 group with

more than half of women in this age

group now being effected.

Especially among the Native Americans and

Mexican Americans it is very high

(about 70%).

The rate is steadily increasing among other

ethnic groups and since 1988 the prevalence

has increased by 150%.

It is associated with decreased physical activity,

high carbohydrate intake,

smoking and low socioeconomic  status.

Lifestyle modification, diet and exercise is

needed to change this trend.

HDL, Triglycerides, Fasting Blood Glucose,

Blood Pressure, Obesity

are all related and addressing the obesity

problem is key to dealing with

the Metabolic Syndrome.

Weight Loss is the key to helping reduce all of

the related health problems.

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