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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


Microinvasive and robotic surgery

provide improved precision and shorter


The da Vinci Surgical System was introduced

in 1999 by Intuitive Surgical

and has gain wider acceptance.

The surgeon sits at a console and robotic arms

are used to produce the

finer movements that are required for

dissection, suturing and knot tying.

The precision achieved is due to the

magnified three-dimensional view

and reduction of  hand movements to half

or one third of the original.

Instruments of the robotic system

bend at the tip to provide the wrist


This system allows surgery for very obese

patients especially those with endometrial cancer.

Obesity is  a major risk factor for any

surgical procedure.

Obesity also predisposes to uterine cancer due to

the estrogens produced by the fatty tissues.

These estrogens are responsible in the

development and growth of endometrial cancer.

This,  coupled with the fact that obesity and

metabolic syndrome is now

the greatest health problem faced in the US,

makes the robotic approach

ideally suited.

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