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Mediterranean Diet

By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG

Mediterranean diet confers health

benefits which are being studied.

For instance Olive oil contains

polyphenols that are shown to lower

blood clot risks by decreasing the

stickiness of platelets.

These polyphenols also act as


The Mediterranean diet which

contains extra virgin olive oil and

omega-3 fatty acids from fish

confer anti-cancer, anti-heart disease,

anti-diabetes, anti-osteopenic 

and anti-arthritic benefits.

The metabolic pathways for this

protection are attributed to substances

like tyrosol, hydrotyrosol, hydrotyrosol

acetate, oleuropein.


1) Int J Molecular Med 2008 Oct;22(4):433-9

2) Int J Cancer. 2008 Feb 1;122(3):499-500.

3) Eur J Cancer Prevention 2009 Feb;18(1):33-9.

4) Intl J Oncology 2009 Jan;34(1):43-51.

5) Current Opinion Pharmacology 2009 Aug;


6) Surg 2009Jun;7(3):174-80.

7) J Nutritional Biochemistry 2009 July17.

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