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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


This includes heavy bleeding and

irregular periods.

Spotting, cycles that are closer than

three weeks apart can occur.

Prior to menopause or following menopause

abnormal bleeding can be a problem.

Some of the causes are:



Chlamydia infection


Incorrect use of birth control pills






Clotting factor deficiencies

Thyroid dysfunction

Kidney disease

Hormonal factors

Treatment depends on the identified

cause of abnormal bleeding.

Most commonly medical management is effective.

In some situations D & C (dilatation and curettage)

or polyp removal is needed.

Endometrial Ablation, Myomectomy, Uterine Artery

Embolization and Hysterectomy are some of the

surgical  procedures.

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