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Pelvic Pain Questions

By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


As previously discussed in our blog

under Pelvic Pain

some causes of pelvic pain are

non-gynecologic and

could be related to muscles,

bladder, bones, joints,

nerves, lymph nodes, bladder

or bowel.

To help elucidate the source of

pelvic pain this brief

questionnaire is helpful:

1) Do you have a problem with

diarrhea or constipation?

Does the pain  become more

intense with bowel movements?

2) Do you have a problem with,

frequent urination, urgency,

painful voiding  and do you have

to get up at night to use the


3) Does the pain become worse when

you stand, walk or exercise?

4) Did you have abdominal

surgery or injury?

5) Do you have regular cycles and

do you have pain related to you


Based on your answers to these five

questions the source of your

pelvic pain can be determined

and be treated.

Please contact our offices

@ 314-291-2140 and 636-928-1800

to schedule an appointment for

additional assistance.

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