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By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG


Antioxidant agents and antiaging

capabilities are being studied and some

intriguing facts are emerging.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a direct


It is abundant in citrus

fruits and berries.

It also aids in collagen production.

Vitamin E as alpha tocopherol and

tocotrienols found in olive oil,

asparagus, almonds, nuts, green

leafy vegetables, spinach and wheat


Vitamin A  and carotenoids  are found

in spinach, kale, mangoes, papayas,

carrots, yams, sweet potato leaves

and sweet gourd leaves.

Co Q 10 and Lipoic acid are found

in fruits and vegetables.

Co Q 10 or Ubiquinone helps in

electron transport, in aerobic

cell metabolism and in generating

energy from ATP.

Lipoic acid helps in aerobic metabolism

and is able to regenerate

vitamin C, vitamin E and GSH.

Plant Polyphenols are found in

fruit skins, berries, grapes, olive oil,

pomegranates, walnuts and peanuts.

Green tea Polyphenols are found in

green tea.

Resveratrol is found in grapes, blueberry,

mulberry, bilberry and peanuts.

Because it has anticancer and cancer

preventing effects it is very important.

Ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, quinic acid,

caffeic acid are found in grains,

fruits, vegetables and coffee cherry.

Phloretin is found in apple skins.

Quercetin is found in apples, green

leafy vegetables, prickly pear cacti,

berries, cherries, red grapes,

red onions, tea, capers, tomato, orange,

broccoli, raspberries and cranberries.

Soy flavonoids and Genistein have

anti-inflammatory and antioxidant


Silymarin is found in milk thistle.

Curcuminoids are found in curcumin


It is also anticancer.

Isothiocyanates (Sulforaphane)

are found in broccoli sprouts.

Nordihydroguiaretic acid is

found in the creosote bush and the chaparral


Carnosic acid, ursolic acid and rosmarinic

acid are found in rosemary, basil,

sage, lavender, peppermint, elder flower,

oregano, thyme, prunes,  apples,

cranberries, hawthorn and bilberries.

They are antiinflammatory and anti


Other antioxidants are Acai berry,

CoffeBerry, ginseng, tea tree oil, Gingko

Biloba, soy, licorice and pomegranate,

bromelain and chamomile.

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