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By Joseph Hazan, M.D., FACOG


Tuboplasty is the microsurgical

procedure to

accomplish tubal reversal.

Tuboplasty as microsurgical

tubal reanastomosis,

especially of the midsegment has

high success rate.

The vast majority of midsegment

occlusion cases

are due to previous tubal ligation

of different types.

Varieties of tubal ligations include s

egmental tubal

excision,ring sterilization,

clip sterilization and coagulation.

Microsurgical tubal reanastomosis

when successfully performed

has the triple success rate of IVF in

terms of pregnancy.

In terms of reaching the success of

tuboplasty in these cases

three IVF attempts would be needed.

Certainly the tuboplasty

would be more economical,

convenient and less risky for these



1) Gordts Sylvie, Campo R, Puttemans P,

Gordts Stephan

Clinical factors determining

pregnancy outcome after

microsurgical tubal reanastomosis.

Fertility and Sterility Vol.92,

No.4, October 2009:

( pages 1198-1202)

2) Boeckxtaens A, Devroey P, Collins J,

Tournaye H.

Getting pregnant after tubal sterilization:

surgical reversal

or IVF? Hum Reprod 2007;22: 2660-4.

3) Cheung AP.

Assisted reproductive technology:

both sides now.

J reprod Med 2006; 51: 283-92.

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