By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG
If the contractions get progressively stronger,
more regular and longer, labor has started.
To make sure it is not false labor, take a warm
shower. If the contractions slow down, it was
false labor.
If they continue as intensely or
stronger this is the time to go to the hospital.
If there is pink or bloody show this is important.
If the water breaks it will have the odor of bleach.
If the baby is not active as before this is dangerous.
During labor the cervix dilates and the baby descends.
If there is a problem with the progress of labor, this
can be detected.
Following the delivery of the baby,
the placenta will be delivered.
After delivery, breastfeeding is beneficial to the
baby and it also helps to contract the uterus.
If you feel depressed following delivery, getting
help is very important.
Postpartum blues or
depression are commonly seen.
In case of
heavy bleeding following delivery or increased
pain, redness in breasts or inflammation of nipples,
call your obstetrician.
Also please contact your obstetrician if you have
a fever over 100 degrees,
vaginal discharge that smells bad,
pelvic pain, burning on urination or
painful urination.
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