By Joseph Hazan,M.D.,FACOG
Vitamin D is essential in bone repair and
maintenance. Vitamin D is instrumental
in calcium absorption.
In cases of vitamin D deficiency
osteoporosis is seen.
50% of adults are vitamin D deficient.
Further, many adults who have the
following factors are at higher than
average risk of vitamin D deficiency:
1) Inadequate vitamin D intake
2) Dark complexion
3) Poor absorption due to bowel,
liver or kidney problems.
4) The elderly have lower intake at a
time of increased need.
Insufficient absorption and inadequate
intake are also factors for the elderly.
Vitamin D levels can be measured.
The average intake requirement of vitamin D
by supplementation is 1000-5000 IU
for optimal health.
Higher doses are needed in cases of more
pronounced deficiency.
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