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By Joseph Hazan,M.D., FACOG


More new facts are emerging in

the quest to conquer the flu virus.

Initially, the H1N1 virus appeared

 in 1918

as it spawned the most dangerous

pandemic on record.

This strain of virus in its weakened

form returned every year for about

30 years until it reassorted its genetic

structure and appeared as the Asian flu

pandemic in 1957.

This reassortment was due to a patient

who was infected with both the H1N1 and

 H2N2 avian virus came up with a new

immunological type of virus which resulted

from the reassortment of the genes of those

two viruses.

This was the initial emergence of the new

H2N2 virus.

This pandemic in 1957 was not as

widespread or severe as the one in

1918, “the Spanish influenza”.

Later, in 1968 the ” Hong Kong flu”

emerged when a patient who had the

seasonal H2N2 virus was also infected

with the H3 avian, “bird” flu.

This was not as severe as the 1918 flu either.

Subsequently, the H3N2 and H1N1

combinations have appeared

since the 70’s.

The yearly flu vaccines target those

two viruses and the influenza B virus.

However, the H5N1 avian, “bird” flu

started in 1997 and starting in

Hong Kong caused 433 human cases

with 262 fatalities.

The current H1N1″ so called

-swine flue- started in 1998 in the U.S.

It was first detected in pigs.

This virus has the genetic make up

of genes from the human, bird and swine

flu viruses.

Pigs can catch viral illness from

humans and birds.

This Spring this virus resurfaced in

Mexico and is

found to be highly transmissible and


It spread from Mexico to California

and by June it became a pandemic.

It infects the young and pregnant

women appear more vulnerable.

The high mortality rate among the

young appears to be due to the strong

immune response the young people are

able to mount,resulting in

a “cytokine storm”

which could be an immune response

that devastates the host.

Finally, the long awaited H1N1

vaccine has now arrived and will

be available starting this week.

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