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By Joseph Hazan, M.D.,FACOG


The flu or influenza infects the

nose,throat and lungs.

Common symptoms are fever, chills,

body aches, sore-throat,cough, fatigue

and headaches.

Some diarrhea and vomiting

could occur.

The flu spreads when someone


it through coughing, sneezing.

Social distancing of about six

feet can

help protect you.

Frequent hand washing

with soap for about 15 seconds

is recommended.

Someone with the flu is already


for one day before symptoms

appear and

continues to be contagious

for seven days

after symptoms appear.

Symptoms start about one

to four days

after exposure.

Protection after receiving

the flu vaccine

starts after approximately

two weeks.

Pregnant women should be especially


Consult your physician about

prevention and

treatment especially

regarding the problem

of H1N1.

Rest, water intake and good

nutrition are

very important.

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