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Air Travel During Pregnancy

By Joseph Hazan, M.D.,FACOG


You might have heard the latest news.

During most normal pregnancies air

travel is now considered safe.


Well-designed studies have demonstrated

that in general during uncomplicated

pregnancies air travel is considered safe

until the 36 th week of gestation.

Now concerns over this  issue have

been addressed by the FAA as well.

If you would like to see the FAA info

it is at  jag.cami.jccbi.gov/cariprofile.asp.

Many women may safely fly up to the 36th

week of pregnancy.


Cosmic radiation exposure even during the

longest distance intercontinental flights

will be below the 15% limit.

Pregnant women who fly frequently run

the risk of higher exposure that could turn

risky.This issue is addressed by the

National Council on Radiation Protection

and Measurements and the International

Commission on Radiological Protection.


Pregnancies that require special care may

need to avoid air travel.

Medical and obstetrical emergencies may

arise during air travel. These could put

the fetus and mother at risk.

This is why during your pregnancy you need to

check with your obstetrician and with your

airline what is applicable in your specific



1)  ACOG ( American College Of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists)

ACOG Today/ Oct.2009. Clinical Issues.

ACOG Committee Opinion. Air Travel During


Update. Obstetrics and Gynecolgy Oct. 2009.

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